About me

A very warm welcome to you visiting my new website. Thank you for taking the time to visit this page and not just look at the photo galleries and learn a little bit about me before we meet.
I will keep it brief because how much can really be said on a webpage. I would much rather speak in person and let you decide for yourself. However I do understand your time is valuable and you should have an idea of who you are going to meet so allow me to let you know a little about myself.
I am genuine, sincere, charismatic with a quick sense of humor. I am also educated and keep up with many current events and last but certainly not least I have an insatiable appetite for pleasure.
I enjoy meeting new people, visiting new places and learning something new everyday. I always try to see the positives in people and never judge a book by it’s cover. You never know what you will learn once you open it up. Everyday brings a new experience and I am ready for whatever life throws my way.
I spend my free time reading, gardening and working out. I take great care in my personal appearance both outside and in so that I am always at my best.